On-Demand Webinar


PostgreSQL's Rising




PostgreSQL - the world’s most advanced open-source relational database - has been rapidly gaining in popularity. The Stack Overflow Developer survey ranked it as the most wanted database, and DB-Engines declared it the DBMS of the year 2020. It has steadily earned a strong reputation for its proven architecture, reliability, data integrity, robust feature set, and extensibility. 

So what makes PostgreSQL so popular, and why are so many organizations choosing it as the database for their projects?

Join Umair Shahid and Magnus Hagander in this fireside chat as they reveal why PostgreSQL has earned the top spot. They’ll discuss some of PostgreSQL’s strengths, including:

  • Reliability
  • Licensing
  • Community 


Fill out the form below to watch this webinar on-demand.

Magnus Hagander

Magnus Hagander

Magnus Hagander is a member of the PostgreSQL Core Team and a developer and code committer in the PostgreSQL Global Development Group.Magnus is one of the original developers of the Windows port of PostgreSQL. These days, he mostly works on other parts of the PostgreSQL backend, recently with a focus on security features, monitoring and backup/replication interfaces and tools.

To pay the bills, he is a PostgreSQL and open source software consultant at Redpill Linpro in Stockholm, Sweden, where he works on consulting, support and training services, as well as custom development work.

Umair Shahid

Umair Shahid, Percona’s Head of PostgreSQL

Umair Shahid is the Head of PostgreSQL at Percona and a well-respected veteran of the PostgreSQL community. Based in Islamabad, Pakistan, he has been working in the PostgreSQL ecosystem for almost 20 years, contributing to the community as well as driving commercial success. He was previously the Head of Products & Marketing at 2ndQuadrant.

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